We offer a varaity of services from Pre Construction, Project Managment, Design review and technical audits, through to project completion and comissioning support. Please see below a small selection and get in touch to discuss your project in detail.
We offer a full Pre/Post-Con service, from esitmationg takeoff, through to a full net prime cost evaluation.
Our pre-con services begin from the first estimate of Cost Sum Analysis [CSA], often based on very little through to a detailed specification, then on to value engineering [VE] the cost plan, to production of works packages of the finalised design, agreement of the construction cost with the successful M&E Sub-Contractors tendering for the work, to agreement and signing of the contract documents. Of course, these methods can be adapted should the needs of the client point towards a fast track project.
Our post-contract services include recommending interim payments against valuations of the Sub-Contractors progress made on site, cost management throughout, assessing and defending the client’s position against the contractor’s claimed variations and claims, all the while giving relevant and clear projections of the client’s total expenditure and exposure. Agreeing final accounts with the benefit of our experience and historical data, gives comfort to the client that they are being well represented and defended against valid and spurious claims.
We can provide a full site support pakage from M&E inspections, technical reviews, and comissioning support/verification
This can either be 1 day a week or 5 days depending on the size of project to suite.
It will normally involve a walk around site to review the installed installation meets the current standards, specification and or CP.
We will also issue a not to standard report in a tracker format and review the previous reports actions have been closed out.
Towards the end of a project we will also carry out witness testing to ensure the results being obtained meet the design data and are being recorded correctly
At the inception stage of a development, be it the refurbishment or extension of existing premises, to a multi-phase development, the key is in formulating an all-encompassing view of the potential costs.
Censeric can produce such cost plans based on the client brief from a single drawing to a full working proposal